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Hedge fund in a sentence

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Sentence count:59Posted:2017-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hedgerefundedgesedgeledgewedgepledgeledgerMeaning: n. a flexible investment company for a small number of large investors (usually the minimum investment is $1 million); can use high-risk techniques (not allowed for mutual funds) such as short-selling and heavy leveraging. 
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31 John Makin, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a principal at hedge fund Caxton Associates, complained that the debate on asset prices missed the point.
32 Tourre. The SEC contends that they secretly helped a hedge fund design a mortgage-backed security so it would be more likely to decline in value, and didn't tell other participants what it had done.
33 Clients are comfortable with the risks of hedge funds if those risks are explained," said Godard, whose bank is the world's second-largest hedge fund manager by assets.
34 Lehman's failure trapped money market and hedge fund managers in a web of bankruptcy proceedings, and left derivative deals in limbo along with corporate bondholders.
35 GLG, another blue-chip London fund that was hit hard last year when its hedge fund assets under management more than halved, is also doing well.
36 SEB, at the same time, is shifting its hedge fund allocation away from long/short in favour of a market neutral strategy to give a portfolio a degree of protection.
37 In 1949, first Hedge Fund was launched by Alfred Jones.
38 When the energy outfit famously collapsed a year later, he went into business for himself, founding Centaurus, a hedge fund focusing mostly on natural gas and energy trading.
39 According to the story, a hedge fund called Lancer would buy restricted stock in a worthless shell company, as well as a few shares on the open market at a higher price in order to show a gain.
40 And Anthony Scaramucci, a hedge fund manager and a Harvard Law School classmate of Obama, spoke on behalf of Wall Street, saying: "We have felt like a pinata."
41 Former Bear Stearns executive Frederic Marino started an $800 million hedge fund with seed capital from Qaddafi's government.
42 The hedge fund also dealt with other banks, including Bear Stearns.
43 As with most books on hedge funds, this one is a soft sell for hedge fund investing.
44 Maybe he's that new hedge fund guy, I fondly imagine them saying.
45 One question that remains is how far Obama will go in limiting banks from risk activities. Will a bank holding company be allowed to own a hedge fund, even if the regulated bank subsidiary cannot?
46 The hedge fund manager points to the exceptional performance before the blow - up.
47 The private equity firm plans to consolidate its distressed securities fund with GSO Capital Partners, a hedge fund manager it acquired in March for $10 billion.
48 Edward Rogers, CEO of Tokyo-based hedge fund advisor Rogers Investment Advisors said Goldman's difficulties could hurt its ability to retain talent.
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49 "My view is that we have to go on with quantitative easing for as long as we possibly can, " says Crispin Odey, a City hedge fund manager.
50 Actually, international idle fund such as hedge fund has exerted great influence upon the international financial system as well as each independent state.
51 The five hedge fund managers were chosen because they were the top earners, according to a rough calculation from Alpha magazine, the FT said, citing people familiar with the matter.
52 Some, such as Highbridge, a large American hedge fund that is owned by JPMorgan, and KKR are scaling up their lending operations as banks cut back.
53 The Justice Department suffered a setback last year with the failure of the first major criminal case to arise from the financial crisis: the prosecution of two Bear Stearns hedge fund managers.
54 More illiquid hedge fund investments will demand longer lock - up periods.
55 In a letter to investors in April, Tampa-based hedge fund Gator Capital Management reported strong returns from its holdings in Freddie and Fannie.
56 Even in this post-Madoff world, where Daddy the Hedge Fund Manager is now Daddy the Homebody, nuptials have not yet become bankruptials.
57 Still, hedge fund and private equity investors who might conceivably help make up the private part of the government's public-private partnership said they were not yet jumping in with both feet.
58 Scott Berger, a 35-year-old investment analyst, stopped shaving in October after being laid off from hedge fund Laurus Capital Management.
59 His comments were made as he fielded hostile accusations in the US House of Representatives that hedge fund managers had enjoyed "unimaginable success" even though they were "virtually unregulated".
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